Navigating taxes can be a bit different for travel nurses, compared to traditional staff nurses. From tax homes to keeping your receipts to knowing exactly how your income will affect your long-term financial goals, here is the information you need to know about travel nurse taxes.
Tips for Doctors and Nurses Facing a Pay Cut
The COVID-19 pandemic is creating unprecedented financial hardships for many Americans, including the very healthcare workers fighting the disease on the frontlines. Today Lauren reviews a few things to keep in mind if you are a healthcare worker whose hospital may be reducing your pay or hours!
Nursing Student Loan Forgiveness Options
Working as a nurse can be a great way to start a rewarding career. And while it can be a lucrative field with in-demand jobs, it can also lead to large student loan debt. Today Lauren, takes a look at national programs that nurses across the country have access to assist with getting ahead on their student loan debt.