Welcome to Financial Gaps
Hello. My name is Lauren Huntsman. I am a Certified Financial Planner CFP® and a Certified Student Loan Professional CSLP® at Wealthnest Planners.
Finance isn’t complicated. Well at least it shouldn’t be. And with the internet there’s no longer a barrier to information, the issue is now what information can you trust? Take it one step further and what information can you trust to make a potentially life-altering decision? (No pressure, right?) Therein lies the gap. The world moved ahead, and financial education hasn’t even taken a step in the 21st century.
So as an elder millennial myself I think it’s time we shake things up a little bit. My hope is that I can explain super boring concepts in a not so boring way, so when HR gives you your equity comp package, or when your spouse asks whether your 401k offers traditional or roth options, you don’t feel like they’re speaking another language. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention taxes are a thing right? Code, law, and specifics change about every 10 months or so, raise your hand if you’ve taken a class in taxes recently! Or ever? Didn’t think so.
So here is my best go at getting the education out there. There’s a lot of power in knowing what these concepts are and how they work together, and when you can proactively and efficiently use these tools – that’s when real financial progress is made. It is also worth noting that giving people sound financial advice and plans is my job, so if you’re looking for that sort of thing, I’m your gal.